Mixed Flow Fans are an efficient cooling solution for high-density applications. They offer high flow rates in small spaces, excellent back pressure, and low power consumption. They can be roof or base mounted. With a wide range of options, you can choose the perfect fan for your application. If you need a larger flow rate, consider a larger fan, such as a centrifugal fan.
Axial, mixed flow, and light-duty centrifugal fans should be installed on a solid foundation. This is particularly important if the fan is used to handle solid particles or corrosive fumes. Foundations for these fans can be made of concrete or steel structures. While standard fan baseplates are designed to be grouted into a continuous concrete foundation block, ducting mounted on a steel structure may require modifications.
Mixed-flow fans utilize two types of blades mounted on the central shaft. One blade moves air in an axial direction, while the other makes it come out in a beam form. Unlike other types of fans, mixed flow fans integrate two specific design methods to move air. The first method works by creating a pressure differential between the two blades, while the second method is based on striking the air with the blades.
Among the most common styles of mixed flow fans is the Model SQ, a direct-drive square-inline fan. This model is an ideal choice for return, make-up, and exhaust air applications. It is available in multiple sizes, with a variety of mounting options. This model is one of the most affordable mixed-flow options on the market.